Research Tools
EPSCoR Research Server
The CI team maintains a research server to handle the data storage and computational needs of Missouri Transect researchers. Accounts on the server are available for all Missouri Transect participants.
Software List
Below is a list of software currently installed on the research server. If you need software that is not listed here, please contact the CI team about getting it installed.
Data Transfer
Computational Software / General Scientific Data / Image Processing
- Matplotlib
- NetCDF with Ncview
- NumPy
- Python Imaging Library (PIL)
- R with RStudio
- SciPy
Genomics Analysis
- BamTools
- Bedtools
- BioPerl
- Bowtie
- Burrows-Wheeler Aligner
- Cufflinks
- FastQC
- FastqMcf
- FastX-Toolkit
- GeneMerge
- HTSeq
- HTSlib
- Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV)
- Platypus
- Samtools
- SolexaQA
- TopHat
- VCFtools