NSF Co-Funding
NSF EPSCoR co-funding has funded 41 projects totaling $14,271,181 at 10 institutions in Missouri to date. There are 25 active co-funded awards at eight institutions in Missouri. In FY 2017, four proposals in Missouri were funded using co-funding, amounting to $1,699,603 leveraged funds due to Missouri?s EPSCoR status.
To accelerate the movement of EPSCoR researchers and institutions into the mainstream of support from the National Science Foundation, EPSCoR co-funding is available to provide joint support for certain meritorious proposals submitted to NSF?s research, education and cross-cutting competitions. The objectives of the EPSCoR Co-funding mechanism are:
- To increase the number of EPSCoR jurisdiction investigators and institutions who participate in NSF research, technology, and education programs;
- To increase the participation of EPSCoR jurisdiction researchers and institutions in regional alliances and national collaborations;
- To broaden participation in science and engineering by institutions, organizations and people within and among EPSCoR jurisdictions.
Co-funding is not a program to which proposals can be submitted. It is instead a funding mechanism that operates internally within NSF and does not involve any action on the part of the proposer. More information.
Will EPSCoR fund my research?
Although direct EPSCoR funds from the NSF will not fund your research (outside of yearly Missouri Transect seed funding grants), the NSF co-funding program could potentially fund your research. You cannot, however, apply directly for these funds. When strong individual proposals fall below the funding line, NSF program officers have the option to seek additional funds from the NSF EPSCoR office to support awards in EPSCoR states. Co-funding is not limited to the focal disciplines identified by the Missouri Transect project.