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Young Women in Computer Science

The Computer Science Institute for Young Women (CSIW) is a 2-3 day summer workshop open to female students, mostly graduating high school students. The CSIW concept was proposed in the Science Education and Outreach Team aims of Missouri EPSCoR Track-1 (Missouri Transect) proposal, awarded on August 1, 2014. Each summer, a different EPSCoR-affiliated institution will host a multi-day workshop to target young women interested in careers in computer science and in the science-technology-engineering-mathematics (STEM) fields. The next CSIW will be held on July 11-12, 2018 at the University of Missouri-Kansas City campus. Students will have the opportunity to interact with six experts in STEM fields and participate in hands-on activities in the following topics:

  • Working with environmental data from Internet of Things sensors to identify trends
  • Monitoring urban gardens and programming in smart apps
  • Design and fabrication of a solar thermal collector by 3D printing technology
  • Understanding climate change through computer simulations and modeling
  • Calculating the energy of volcanic explosions using computer models and outdoor demonstrations
  • Understanding spatial thinking in social science with Geographic Information System (GIS)


If you or someone you know is a female student at a high school in Missouri, contact Dr. Terry Woodford-Thomas ( to sign up for the next CSIW program. Registration and participation is free! Register here:

CSIW 2018 Flier

CSIW 2018 Schedule


"very cool using the tools that scientists actually use"